Free Prescription Templates and Formats for Allergists [Editable MS Word]

Are you wondering why suddenly your eyes itch, rashes start forming on your body, and you feel a strange tightness in your throat? When you were perfectly alright before having a peanut butter sandwich just now? Then there is a good chance you just had an allergic reaction. You might be allergic to peanut in that peanut butter but you are unaware of it. More or less most allergic reactions look like this! However, when such allergic reactions are triggered after eating any food your instincts kick in and you stop eating the food. Hence, the symptoms disappear after a while and you start to feel better.

However, one must not make light of the situation as one can be allergic to anything and not know it. As not all allergies are similar, sometimes symptoms aggravate and the situation can become mortal. Therefore, it is important to take notice of them and get them treated. So the question is who treats these allergies? Well, let us introduce a medical professional who specializes in just that – an allergist! 

Download Prescription Pad Templates for Microsoft Word


Like all other doctors, a good prescription pad design is very important for allergists. A prescription pad on which he can easily write down his patient’s information along with his diagnosis and prescribed medication. On this page, you can download many prescription templates that are designed in a very sophisticated and professional manner, especially for allergists and doctors who are allergy specialists. Scroll down from this point below and find all of those along with the download links and preview images.

Template #01


Template #02


Template #03


Template #04


Template #05


From this point onward, you can explore six additional templates we’ve added specifically for Immunologists, also known as Allergists. Scroll down to browse through today’s new templates and enjoy our free designs.

#06 – Prescription Template for Immunologists












Who is an Allergist and what does he do?

An allergist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats allergies. The term is often interchangeably used with an immunologist. Their area of specialization is the same which is to treat diseases that affect the immune system and allergies also compromise the immune system. There are different kinds of allergens. An allergen is a substance that triggers an allergic reaction such as any food ingredient, chemicals, drugs, dust, pollen, mold, etc. Thus, diagnosing what one is allergic to is a difficult task, and an allergist might need to perform a couple of tests before he can reach a diagnosis. This is a regular procedure for them. These tests fall into the following categories:

  1. Blood test
  2. Patch test
  3. Skin prick test
  4. Intradermal test
  5. Obtaining a nasal sample
  6. Spirometry
  7. Drug test
  8. Food test

Once the allergy is diagnosed, they start the treatment for it. Treatment, however, varies depending on the substance one is allergic to and the severity of the symptoms. One might also need immunotherapy or an EpiPen to treat the symptoms.

What symptoms must one visit an allergist for?

One must visit an allergist if one or more of the following symptoms persists:

  • Difficulty breathing or tightness in the throat
  • Swollen face
  • Skin hives
  • BP drops
  • Congestion around the forehead area and nose
  • Irritation in eyes
  • Non-stop coughing and sneezing
  • Hay fever
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Stomach pain

It is important to note here that the above-mentioned symptoms are very common and one can easily mistake them for something non-serious perhaps a cold or flu, and not an allergic reaction. It is also common for one to take over-the-counter medications to treat these symptoms rather than go to a specialist. Luckily, most of the time these OTC drugs work in treating the symptoms but if they are not working then a visit to an allergist becomes a must.
